POST -Add Label
Introduces the invocation method of the Labeling interface.
POST Request Description
A complete POST request should include the following four parameter contents:
- url: The request address.
- headers: The HTTP headers of the request.
- data: The metadata information sent, example format:
metadata = { "app": "appA", "queryID": str(uuid.uuid4()), "update": True, "sendBack": {"type": "response"}, "labels": { "employID": "12340017", } }
- files: Local files to be operated on.
Note: For the complete code example, refer to the
Python Request Example below.
Request URL
Parameter Name | Parameter Location | Required | Description |
<request_mode> | url | Yes |
Request Header
Parameter Name | Parameter Location | Required | Description |
authorization | header | Yes | Authentication information in the request. For more details, refer to the chapter Authentication. |
x-skg-timestamp | header | Yes | The current timestamp. For more details, refer to the chapter Authentication. |
Metadata in the Request Body
Parameter Name | Type | Applicable Status | Description |
labels | Dict (Required) | Synchronous and asynchronous | Custom label content to be added |
app | String (Required) | Synchronous and asynchronous | Webservice application ID |
update | Boolean (Optional) | Synchronous and asynchronous | Whether to update existing labels, default is False |
sendBack | Dict (Required) | Synchronous and asynchronous | Handling method for returning files after labeling. Supports local
return, HTTP upload, and cloud storage such as Amazon S3 and Swift.
queryID | String (Required) | Synchronous and asynchronous | sync/async (synchronous or asynchronous mode) |
uploadtype | String (Required) | Asynchronous | Only for asynchronous mode. Supports cloud storage such as AWS S3,
Alibaba Cloud OSS, Tencent Cloud COS, and Swift.
callback_url | String (Required) | Asynchronous | Must be filled for asynchronous mode with the callback function URL |
objectInfo | Dict (Optional) | Asynchronous | Only for asynchronous mode when using object storage. Asynchronous mode supports reviewing objects stored in Amazon S3, Swift, Alibaba Cloud OSS, Tencent Cloud COS, and other cloud services. For specific parameter settings, refer to the chapter: objectinfo Parameters for Reviewing Cloud Service Stored Content in Asynchronous Mode |
Synchronous Request Parameter Example
"app": "875a2442-2fe6-49a5-abf7-00fbd727e99e",
"queryID": "8a0aa812-0f80-4d25-8e3f-60583bac8b96",
"update": True,
"labels": {
"test_key": "tt_value",
"id": "8888"
"sendBack": {
"type": "response"
Asynchronous Request Parameter Example
"labels": {
"test_key": "tt_value",
"id": "8888"
"app": "875a2442-2fe6-49a5-abf7-00fbd727e99e",
"update": True,
"queryID": "8a0aa812-0f80-4d25-8e3f-60583bac8b96",
"callback_url": "",
"sendBack": {
"type": "s3",
"s3Bucket": "leo",
"s3Region": "", # Region name when using S3. If running on EC2 and using AWS IAM role, the following three items can be omitted
"accessKey": "admin",
"secretKey": "admin",
"endpointUrl": "",
"uploadtype": "file"
Python Request Example - Labeling
The following example demonstrates using Python code to call the interface to label a local file.
Note: In the following Python code example, the imported header files ucwi_config and ucwi_auth need to be created beforehand. For detailed reference examples, see Header File Examples.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning from ucwi_config import UCWIConfig from ucwi_auth import get_headers import requests import json import os import uuid import time from requests_toolbelt.multipart import decoder requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) api = "/skg/v1/dlp/label/custom/sync" url = "{0}{1}".format(UCWIConfig.base_url, api) file_path="CustomLabelTest.docx.RET.RET" metadata = { "app": "appA", "queryID": str(uuid.uuid4()), "update": True, "sendBack": {"type": "response"}, "labels": { "employID": "12340017", "Student-name": "peter", "BBB-XXX": "2222222", "EEE-XXX": "555555", } } headers = get_headers() data = {"metadata": json.dumps(metadata)} fd = open(file_path, 'rb') files = { "request": fd } response =, headers=headers, data=data, files=files, verify=False) fd.close() if response.status_code != 200: print("Bad request, response code:", response.status_code) print(response.text) else: if response.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json': info = response.json() print(info) elif response.headers['Content-Type'].startswith('multipart/form-data'): multipart_data = decoder.MultipartDecoder.from_response(response) for part in content = part.content content_type = part.headers[b'content-type'] content_disposition = part.headers[b'content-disposition'] if content_type == b"application/json": info = json.loads(content) print("multipart info:{}".format(info)) elif content_type == b"application/octet-stream": cd_info = [x.strip() for x in content_disposition.decode('utf-8').split(';')] print("multipart xxx {}".format(cd_info)) for item in cd_info[1:]: index = item.find('=') key, value = item[:index], item[index + 1:] if key == 'filename': filename = value.strip('"') + ".RET" with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(content)
Error code
If calling the API has an error, the following error codes are returned:
Error Code | Description |
400 | Invalid parameter |
404 | Unknown Error |
500 | Invalid parameter |