GET-Get Channel List

Introduces the interface call method for the Get Channel List interface.

Interface Introduction

The Get Channel List interface is used to retrieve the channel type.

After obtaining the list of channel types, you can subsequently use the Get Channel Detail Information interface to query the detailed information of a specific channel type. For more details, refer to Get Channel Detail Information.

Request method


Request Parameters

Parameter Name Parameter Location Required Description
authorization header Yes Authentication information in the request. See the section for details Authentication.
x-skg-timestamp header Yes Current Timestamp. See the section for details Authentication.

Request URL


Request Example

Call the interface according to the following example to request channel information.
GET /skg/v1/dlp/channel/

Python Request Example

Use the following example to call the interface using Python code to request channel information.
Note: In the following Python code example, the imported header files ucwi_config and ucwi_auth need to be created beforehand. For detailed reference examples, see Header File Examples.
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
                from ucwi_config import UCWIConfig
                from ucwi_auth import get_headers
                import requests
                import json
                api = "/skg/v1/dlp/channel"
                url = "{0}{1}".format(UCWIConfig.base_url, api)
                headers = get_headers()
                response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False)
                if response.status_code != 200:
                print("Bad request, response code:", response.status_code)
                print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4).encode('utf-8').decode('raw_unicode_escape'))

Return Results

Upon successful invocation of this interface, the system will return the following parameters.
Parameter Description
channels List displaying all currently connected channels Channel Name:
  • web - Web channel
  • email - Email channel
  • webserviceapp - WebService Application channel
channels.description Channel Description - Custom description information for this channel

Return Example

                "channels": [{
                "name": "web",
                "description": "Web channel"
                }, {
                "name": "email",
                "description": "Email channel"
                }, {
                "name": "webserviceapp",
                "description": "WebService Application channel"

Error code

If calling the API has an error, the following error codes are returned:
Error Code Description
400 Invalid parameter
404 Unknown Error
500 Invalid parameter