GET-Get Channel Details
Introduces the interface call method for the Get Channel Details interface.
Interface Introduction
The Get Channel Details interface is used to retrieve detailed information of a specific channel type.
Request method
Request URL
Note: You can use the Get Channel interface to view all supported channel types.
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Parameter Location | Required | Description |
<channel_type> | URL Parameter | Yes | Specify a channel type, such as web, email, or webserviceapp. You can use the Get Channel interface to view all channel types. |
Parameter Name | Parameter Location | Required | Description |
authorization | header | Yes | Authentication information in the request. See the section for details Authentication. |
x-skg-timestamp | header | Yes | Current Timestamp. See the section for details Authentication. |
Python Request Example
The following example shows how to call the interface using Python code to request detailed information of the WebService application channel (webserviceapp).
Note: In the following Python code example, the imported header files ucwi_config and ucwi_auth need to be created beforehand. For detailed reference examples, see Header File Examples.
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning from ucwi_config import UCWIConfig from ucwi_auth import get_headers import requests import json requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) # Available channel values include: "web", "email", and "webserviceapp". channel = "webserviceapp" api = "/skg/v1/dlp/channel/{}".format(channel) url = "{0}{1}".format(UCWIConfig.base_url, api) headers = get_headers() response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False) if response.status_code != 200: print("Bad request, response code:", response.status_code) print(response.text) else: print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4).encode('utf-8').decode('raw_unicode_escape'))
Return Results
The return results include the following parameters:
Name | Description |
<channel_type> | List displaying all WebService applications in the current channel. |
<channel_type>.name | Name of the WebService application in the current channel. |
<channel_type>.appid | ID of the WebService application in the current channel. |
<channel_type>.description | Description information of the WebService application in the current channel. |
Return Example
{ "webserviceapp": [ { "name": "cloudstorage", "appid": "78217a43-542d-47e2-97a5-4435bf11521d", "description": "Cloud storage application" }, { "name": "cloudcrm", "appid": "1e99e55d-64c0-49ea-9e94-7df304e4580f", "description": "Cloud CRM application" } ] }
Error code
If calling the API has an error, the following error codes are returned:
Error Code | Description |
400 | Invalid parameter |
404 | Unknown Error |
500 | Invalid parameter |